Bellingham Central Lions have kicked off a new project called “Lions Books for Kids”. The intent of this project is to improve the reading and comprehension skills of children in Whatcom County. To accomplish this, the Lions will collect gently used or new books and provide them to children in need of additional reading resources, such as those in Women Care shelters, Boys and Girls Clubs, Homeless programs and others who may not have their own reading materials at home.
How can you help, right now
Dig through your children’s books, sort out those you are willing to part with, and contact the Lions at to arrange for a pickup of your donation (or better yet, bring them to a meeting);
If you happen to see a garage sale sign, stop and buy their book inventory (ages 2-8) and contact us for a pick up. This is a very inexpensive investment into the future of our children and grandchildren; ask your friends and relatives to do the same to help our counties children raise their reading and comprehension skills. thanks in advance for your help.